Annika Nyman
Annika Nyman defended her doctoral thesis at the Malmö Theatre Academy in 2023 with the thesis Handlingarnas sken - om litterär slitning i det dramatiska. The dissertation primarily discussed a conflict in the basic premises of dramatic writing and the literary excesses that the writing activity invites. The thesis is that different kinds of narrativity - different ways of telling - produce different kinds of text. By writing two works - Sysslolösa unga män med tillgång till vapen and Jag är Jago - the struggle is made productive.
Annika Nyman is a playwright who has written a number of stage and sound works, which have been staged by Gothenburg City Theater and Månteatern in Lund, among others, and by independent groups such as Theater Mutation (Malmö), Teatr Weimar (Malmö) and K.Polyfon (Stockholm). Most recently, she appeared in i ett hus vid skogens slut at Turteatern (Stockholm).
Today Nyman works as a lecturer at the Theater Academy in Malmö, where she is the head of the playwright training program. As a teacher, she is primarily active as a supervisor for the students' artistic work, but also in theory teaching, academic writing and analysis of dramatic works.
Annika Nyman
PhD research project
"Handlingarnas sken: om litterär slitning i det dramatiska"
PhD supervisors
Disputerade 2023