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All my relations 2

personer i bakgrunden, rosa blommor i förgrunden

ALL MY RELATIONS 2 is a 3-days transdisciplinary workshop that explores the ecological potential of performance, performativity and eco-pedagogy. Extended deadline to apply, 9 august.

For the second time we now arrange this three-day workshop in Gylleboverket, a center for ecological art located in the Skåne countryside. 

The purpose of this  event is to study the possibilities and limitations of performative arrangements to foster individual and collective transformation and aim at a more sustainable life. 

We seek to find the link between performative practices and ecological sustainability based on a genuine understanding of sensibility, corporality, imagination, being-with and a movement towards an extended ecological self. 

The workshop is addressed to artists, researchers, and pedagogues dealing with ecology, non-human relations, and sustainable futures.

Together and in smaller groups we will explore questions of personal and collective transformation as a simultaneously ecological, pedagogical, and performative practice: How can artistic practice and research contribute to the ecological responsibility of tomorrow’s citizenship and the urgent transformation of human behavioral patterns and values systems?


The workshop event is aimed at 25 participants, and it takes place on the 1–3 September 2023 at Gylleboverket and the nearby Permaculture farm, Lilla Skräddaröd Gård (bus transportation from/to Malmö). The event is organized by The Department for Artistic Research in Performing Arts at Malmö Theatre Academy, (Lund University), Agenda 2030 Graduate School (Lund University), and Gylleboverket.

The workshop event will kick off with an artistic keynote and a performative encounter with The more than human held by Theatre maker and Ph.D.-fellow Steinunn Knúts-Önnudóttir and hello!earth/ Vera Maeder, Jacob Langaa-Sennek (

The workshop then unfold in three working groups facilitated by Etta Säfve and Jona Elfdahl (Artist Group and artistic leaders for the interdisciplinary platform Gylleboverket), Sofie Lebech, performance artist and associate professor, Malmö Theatre Academy and Aune Kallinen, performance artist and professor in acting, Uniarts, Helsinki. 

The interests of the participants are taken into account while defining the focus and the working modes of each group, where the participants actively contribute to the workshop.

How to apply

Both new applicants and participants who were part of the workshop 2022 are welcome to apply.

If you are interested in participating, please send us an application consisting of a max one-page Word or PDF file including a short motivation and bio. Tell us what kinds of questions, problems, and phenomena you find urgent and what you would like to study further with the other participants. Please send this application to jan [dot] michelsen [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (jan[dot]michelsen[at]thm[dot]lu[dot]se) with the words ALL MY RELATIONS written on the subject field. 

In any queries, please contact sofie [dot] lebech [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (sofie[dot]lebech[at]thm[dot]lu[dot]se).

The deadline for applications is 9 august. Note the extended deadline!

The selected applicants are asked to pay a fee of 600 SEK (around 60 €) to cover the full board during the workshop. The accommodation takes place outdoors in tents, which each participant is asked to bring along. There is also an option for indoor accommodation subject to a fee.


The Department for Artistic Research in Performing Arts (Malmö Theatre Academy, LU)

Agenda 2030 Graduate School (LU)
