Edit Kaldor Bio
Master Programme Director / Senior Lecturer

Edit Kaldor appointed as the Programme Director of the Master’s Programme in Performing Arts as Critical Practice at Malmö Theatre Academy in 2022
Edit Kaldor (H/NL) has taught and lectured at (performing) art academies and universities across Europe, and has led numerous workshops at theatres and festival, among them at the International Forum at the Berliner Festspiele and the Shanghai Biennale. She is currently concluding her doctoral studies on new forms of relationality in contemporary performance at the Norwegian Theatre Academy, and is co-editor of the book Theatres of Powerlessness (Bloomsbury / Methuen Drama, 2023).
As an artist Kaldor is recognized internationally as a unique voice in the contemporary theatre and performance landscape. She has collaborated with people from all walks of life, at times over extended periods and across projects. Her projects merge documentary and fictional material, and tend to address seemingly unspeakable subjects. Her works often integrate digital media and interfaces, and explore the theatrical possibilities in the daily use of technology. Her performances, which considerably stretch the boundaries of theatrical conventions, have been presented in over 30 countries in Europe, the Americas, Asia and North Africa.
Edit Kaldor was born in Budapest and immigrated as a child to the United States, where she lived for ten years before moving back to Europe. She studied English Literature and Theatre at Columbia University in New York and at DasArts in Amsterdam. She had worked as dramaturge and video-maker with Peter Halasz (Squat Theater/Love Theater, New York), collaborating on numerous theatre performances and film scripts, before starting to make her own work.
More about Edit Kaldor
Web site of Edit Kaldor(new window, editkaldor.com)
To Re-see What We Cannot Unsee in Why Theatre? NTGent - speech at opening Dutch Theatre Festival 2020 (new window, whytheatre.eu)
Interview in Scenekunst.no - “Nye dramaturgier for en ny politisk virkelighet” (New Dramaturgies for New Political Realities) by Mariken Lauvstad (in Norwegian, new window, scenkunst.no)
Putting Out the Chairs: Performing the Missing Public by Joe Kelleher in Stedelijk Studies Journal published by the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam – on works of Edit Kaldor and Vlatka Horvat (new window, stedelijkstudies.com)
We'll die alone together: Edit Kaldor und der Tod ohne Parodos Kai van Eikels Forum Modernes Theater(in German, new window, muse.jhu.edu)
On works of Edit Kaldor in Theater und Ethnologie: Beiträge zu einer produktiven Beziehung (Forum Modernes Theater) - Theater für Experten des Nicht-Verstehens by Bart Philipsen(in German, books.google.se)