Charlotte Østergaard

Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Crafting material bodies : exploring co-creative costume processes
Charlotte Østergaard
(2024) Doctoral Studies and Research in Fine and Performing Arts
DoktorsavhandlingListening with costume : a material-discursive practice
Charlotte Østergaard
(2024) Insurbordinate Costume : Inspiring Performance , p.119-228
Del av eller Kapitel i bokCaring for co- : with knitting practices
Charlotte Østergaard, Marie Ledendal
Konferens - annatArchiving artistic practice(s) : sharing and caring
Charlotte Østergaard
(2024) Document! Share! Reactivate! : On archiving and sharing artistic research within the performing arts , p.73-78
Del av eller Kapitel i bokKnytte Bånd
Konstnärligt arbeteCo-Creative Knitting : explorations of an improvisational practices
Charlotte Østergaard, Marie Ledendal
Konferensbidrag: abstractPerforming Creative Work in Public
Charlotte Østergaard
(2024) Routledge Research in the Creative and Cultural Industries , p.172-189
Del av eller Kapitel i bokModels of collaboration : performers and scenographers
Charlotte Østergaard
Konferens - annatCommunity Walk : immersive co-costumed performance experience
Charlotte Østergaard
Konstnärligt arbeteCharlotte Østergaard· Conversation Costume
Charlotte Østergaard
(2023) Costume Agency : artistic research project , p.97-100
Del av eller Kapitel i bokListening through and with Costume
Charlotte Østergaard
(2023) Nordic Journal of Dance, 14 p.90-99
Artikel i tidskriftCreating temporal and spatial connections through and with co-costumed entanglements
Charlotte Østergaard, Rosane Muniz
Konstnärligt arbeteEthical dilemmas of listening through and with costume.
Charlotte Østergaard
Konferensbidrag: abstractCo-costuming as an opening for temporal socio-material entanglements : a dialogical process of co-wearing a connecting-costume
Charlotte Østergaard
Konferens - annatKostume-drevne performances : kostumers generative og performative potentialer
Charlotte Østergaard
(2022) Peripeti: tidskrift for dramaturgiske studier, 19 p.40-55
Artikel i tidskriftAweAre : An embodied explorative workshop: Co-costuming or co-wearing
Charlotte Østergaard
Konferens - annatEthical dilemmas of stretching towards Others in fitting situations
Charlotte Østergaard
(2022) Russian Fashion Theory, special issue on performance and clothing p.35-35
Artikel i tidskriftCo-costuming as an orientation towards spaces of in-betweenness : Transformative co-wearing and co-locomoting encounters in between places and spaces
Charlotte Østergaard
Konferensbidrag: abstractListening through and with costume : A dialogical performance-making process
Charlotte Østergaard
Konferensbidrag: abstractThe Fitting Room : Communities of practice and the ambiguity of touch
Charlotte Østergaard
Konferensbidrag: abstractCommunity Walk : a co-costumed "walking and talking" performance
Charlotte Østergaard
Konstnärligt arbete