With Stefanos Levidis – Forensic Architecture and choreographer Arkadi Zaides
Choreographer Arkadi Zaides will elaborate on his concept of Documentary Choreography based on examples from a range of his works, including Archive (2014), Talos (2017), and Necropolis (2021). Stefanos Levidis of Forensic Architecture who oversees the agency’s investigations on borders and migration, will address questions of the performative within their work through specific case-studies. With an introduction by theatre maker and MA program director Edit Kaldor. The conversation that follows is moderated by MA participants Monirah Hashemi, Filip Pawlak and Laura Stasane.
Thursday, 9th November 19.00
at Skånes Dansteater, Östra Varvsgatan 13A Malmö, Sweden
Or join online: https://lu-se.zoom.us/s/62068572790